Jones Street Station – For a Lifetime & Henry Dryer

This September, QRO favorites Jones Street Station (QRO spotlight on) are embarking on an ambitious and generous mission – to record & release one song each week for a...
Jones Street Station : For a Lifetime

Jones Street Station : For a Lifetime This September, QRO favorites Jones Street Station (QRO spotlight on) are embarking on an ambitious and generous mission – to record & release one song each week for a full year (that’s fifty-two songs, folks!) to benefit twelve different charities.  Oh, and the five members of the band are all over the country, collaborating remotely from four-to-five different studios…

However, the first two entries sound anything but disjointed.  First song “For a Lifetime”, has an intimate evocation, while the following “Henry Dryer” is like a lost song from Ken Burns’ The Civil War.


Jones Street Station : Henry Dryer Download the tracks for free here, and stream below:


MP3 Stream: “For a Lifetime”

{audio}/mp3/files/Jones Street Station – For a Lifetime.mp3{/audio}


MP3 Stream: “Henry Dryer”

{audio}/mp3/files/Jones Street Station – Henry Dryer.mp3{/audio}

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