Lykke Li – I Never Learn

For I Never Learn, Lykke Li brings loss, but diva-loss....
Lykke Li : I Never Learn
7.5 LL

Lykke Li : I Never Learn

A lot of artists came out of the ‘Swedish Invasion’ (QRO’s Swedish Sensations) in the prior decade, but one who’s gotten the most success has been Lykke Li. The songstress grew after a breakthrough performance at CMJ 2009 (QRO recap) and debut Youth Novels (QRO review), delivering the bossanova on 2011 follow-up Wounded Rhymes (QRO review). For I Never Learn, Lykke Li brings loss, but diva-loss.

Loss and heartbreak pervade Learn, from the titular opener to final number “Sleeping Alone”. This is decidedly a ‘broken up’ record, not necessarily about any one relationship, but rather about love in general. Lykke Li’s strong voice also carries the record, whether stripped down acoustic (“I Never Learn”, “Just Like a Dream”, “Love Me Like I’m Not Made of Stone”), diva-grand (“Never Gonna Love Again”, “Heart of Steel”), or a mix of both (“No Rest For the Wicked”). It can feel a little much at times, especially played all the way through, but certainly is effective.

Lykke Li at first was just ‘one of the lady singers from Sweden’, then evolved into indie-bossanova seen in the likes of Feist (QRO live review). With I Never Learn, she finds her own voice (stylistically speaking), even if it is a resolutely sad one.

Lykke Li – Love Me Like I'm Not Made of Stone

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