Time Wharp – “clstrphlia.”

I saw Time Wharp via an impromptu U-Stream performance that looked to be filmed in some random, musty basement with the camera pointed at a blinding light, a grey...

I saw Time Wharp via an impromptu U-Stream performance that looked to be filmed in some random, musty basement with the camera pointed at a blinding light, a grey wall, half a soundboard, and not much else. Couldn’t see who was behind the soundboard, kinda mysterious. I guess that works for electronic acts, knob-twiddlers, the shadowy types that make their living between the oscillations and algorithms of analog-digital mayhem.

"clstrphlia." is a dense, rolling jam. Find it and more at his Bandcamp, say hi on Twitter, and check out the Time Wharp site for internet age visual noise. If you like what you see/hear, pick up the hard copy tape at Wonder Beard Tapes. Wonder Beard doesn’t put out much music, but everything they release is solid gold, so add it to the collection.

Stream "clstrphlia."


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